
Citadel Wood (or drybrush saturday)

Yesterday I had some painting time again. The wife was out and supposed to take our kid but he was a bit ill so I said he could stay with me. With absolutely nothing else to do I set out to get some things finished on the hobby front.

I first sat down with my drop pod and after setting everything up and getting ready my son started crying. (he's 6 months) so I got up and cuddled him for a bit until he was satisfied. Then onto the project again. I got about ten minutes of brush time before my son needed some attention again so there I went again. Now, he was in the same room so he could look at me and I was talking to him, my wife calls this brainwashing as I tell him anything about the 41st millennium he needs to know but I felt sorry for him so I went back and forth between my son and my paint station.

I finally realised that it wasn't going to work. I was doing small detail work on my pod but had to stop and get started so many times over that it felt like a chore rather then some nice hobby time. I looked at my cabinet and realised that the citadel wood set that had been sitting there undercoated for months was probably the right project for the moment.

I got out my large brushes and started drybrushing like a mad man. I wanted the old dead, haunted look for the trees and patches of grass on the floor to fit in with my table. just three hours later I was done and the glue of the foliage was drying. I had enough time with my son to give him his milk bottle, fruit, clean nappy and cuddles whilst the tree set got done.

The good thing was that the citadel wood set is easy to make it look good. it's just mindless drybrush work. My son was happy and I have another finished project that I can take off my list.

Everybody happy.



Bix said...

Very nice work and good pics, glad you can still get some hobby work done with a little un around; gives me hope :)

Vitor said...

This is the best woods I have seen, nice job!

Erin said...

It sounds like you found a great way to balance your hobby time with spending quality time with your son.