
July Round up

The fact that I'm writing up July's news round up on the 4th of August really sums up my blogging activity at the moment. Somehow I have lost momentum and I'm struggling to get back into it all. I have a ton of work on my hobby desk and I have finished a couple of projects but I find it hard to find some time to make some nice articles of it all.

I'm working on my Waaagh almost daily but the sheer numbers and the level of detail I want to put in every model makes it a slow process. In July I finished 10 Boyz and 2 Nobz, I have acquired some new models and assembled and based those.

My blog is still attracting a lot of people thanks to Google. People look for something that happens to be on my blog and they then stick around to have a look at all my other stuff. The Linked-within widget is priceless! I also had some of my articles linked on some forum so all and all it wasn't a bad month considering I only posted three articles for the whole month.

I got a lot of nice feedback on my Boyz and Nobs but my video on "Zagstruk"hardly got any hits nor comments. I guess I took a chance of actually putting my first video together but no one is interested. I have therefor seized recording the project.It's too much work recording and editing, time I can better spend working on models. Too bad but lesson learned.

In august I hope to complete Zagstruk and his 10 men Vulcha squad and I'll get some conversion work done on an old War buggy.



Anonymous said...

There is never enough time for the hobby, we need an 8-day week!

Im looking forward to seeing more of your Waaagh! I have recently bought 5 'Black Reach' nobs, but i need to finish some other stuff before i start them.....

good luck


Bix said...

Don't be too disheartened Seb, your productivity is way over what I've been managing lately and still of awesome quality.

We all have lives and sadly there's only so much time for the Hobby in them, much to our frustration. As soon as someone comes up with a pause button for the world around me I'm going to get a Chapter painted!

As for the video, I'm one of the guilty for not watching it (though I'll go back and take a look now) Although I know the format is growing in popularity; me personally I like to take my blogging on the hoof as it were, videos require an attention span greater than that fish Dory...*pop*

...Don't be too disheartened Seb ;o)