quick update of my Marines
Here's a very quick and dirty update on my USMC. I have added some sand and some of the jungle scenery pieces I'm working on to my display cabinet.. wow, I like the look of this..Cant wait to have the whole Pacific table built.
Review: 1/56 Plastic M4 Sherman (Warlord Games)
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Warlord Games M4 Sherman Box Art |
I have recently built and painted the Warlord Games / Italeri M4 Sherman Medium Tank and here’s my review.
First impressions
First impressions are good, when you pick up the box you’ll notice the slick Box art with the added gun flare, smoke and dust which are all digitally added. Set in a great piece of scenery it looks gorgeous but that might just be my opinion. The next thing you’ll notice is that the box is very light, well at least if you’re like me and used to put together resin tanks. The plastic tanks are really light and that’s something to get used to. You can also see that although Warlord Games sells these boxes they are produced by Italeri who have been making plastic model kits for years. Making this 1/56 kit specially for gamers is a nice step forward for both companies. But hey that’s just the box, it’s about time we have a look inside..
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Contents and tools |
What’s in the box?
In the box you’ll find just 2 sprues to put the tank together with. This is not a scale model this is a wargamers model so you don’t have to fiddle around with tiny bits and pieces that break off easily anyway. It’s nice that this kit also comes with a sheet of decals and you don’t have to buy them separately like with the resin tanks. The decal sheet has enough nice signs, letters, numbers and insignia to personalise your model the way you like. There’s also a comprehensive instruction manual something else the resin kits don’t include and you have to download from warlord’s website.
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M4 Sherman Built |
Painting and decals
Because it’s a plastic model you don’t have to scrub and wash the model like you do with resin models. There’s no release agents left on the model and you can prime them straight after you’ve put it together which is very nice. With resin models you always have to hope that the paint will stick to all parts of the model after you have given it a good soak.
The transfers or decals are really nice to work with. You just pick the decals you want to use and cut them from the sheet. Then put a few drop of water on it and the slide right off without breaking. They stick to the model nicely but I will always advise to use a decal agent or solvent to get the best result.
After you’ve painted the whole model you can really see and appreciate all the small detail that are on this model and you can start to play games with it.
- It’s a good kit for this price (20 pounds).
- Nice and crisp detail.
- Fits together easily and can be assembled in 20 minutes.
- Comes with decals and instruction manual.
- No need to wash, scrub and bathe the model before painting.
- Plastic is easy to convert.
- Looks great on the table next to your Warlord Games infantry models.
- You can see the hull is hollow if you flip the model upside down.
- The antenna and HMG can snap off.
- There’s a little work needed in hiding the lines where the two track sections and front hull come together.
- There's only one type of gun barrel included unlike other plastic tank manufacturers’ Shermans.
- No tank commander or driver included.
I had a blast putting this model together and painting it and I think it looks smashing on the battlefield. I wouldn’t mind building another one or two for a tank platoon. I like working with plastic models so I’m definitely looking forward to making more Warlord / Italeri models like the M3A1 halftrack I have on the shelf.
4 out of 5 Service stars
Bolt Action,
warlord games
BA Scenario: Alligator Creek, Guadalcanal
If you are looking to recreate the Battles of the pacific Warlord Games have created some additional scenarios for you to use. More of these will be released later this year in the "Empire in flames" supplement book. Below is a copy of warlord Games' Alligator Creek scenario. Because these scenarios can be hard to find I have posted them here for you.
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Picture by Warlord Games |
Alligator Creek runs through the centre of a 4ft x 6ft gaming table. The creek will be 4ft in length and 6” wide. The creek terminates at the ocean sandbar which is 2ft wide and consists of soft beach sand. All units may move on the sand but require an advance order to do so. No units may run on the beach. The creek is waist deep which allows soldiers to cross at an advance move only. Tracked and wheeled vehicles cannot cross the creek. Soft cover may be placed anywhere on the board except on the beach. The jungle grew up to the edges of the river but players may place soft cover represent jungle at their discretion.The USMC player may spend 700pts and select a force from the “1942-43 Guadalcanel Theatre Selector” on page 78 of the “Bolt Action Armies of the United States” army book. The USMC player may set up anywhere on their half of the table. The USMC player may start the game dug in (see dug in rule below). The USMC player sets up all his units on the table first.
The Japanese player may spend 1000pts and select a force from “The Battle for Guadalcanal 1942 Theatre Selector” on page 45 of the Bolt Action Armies of Imperial Japan” army book. The Japanese player may set up anywhere 14” from their table edge.
Pre-deployment, reserves, and Outflanking are not permitted in this mission.
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Picture by Warlord Games |
The Japanese player must cross the river. The USMC player must stop the Japanese.PREPARATORY BOMBARDMENT
The battle for Alligator Creek began with a Japanese Mortar barrage. The attacker rolls a die, a preparatory mortar bombardment strikes the USMC positions. On a roll of 1, the barrage fails. Refer to the preparatory bombardment chart on page 118 on the Bolt Action rulebook.GAME DURATION
6 turns. At the end of turn 6 roll a die. On a result of 1,2, or 3 the game ends. On a roll of 4, 5 or 6 play one further turn.VICTORY
If two Japanese units cross the river or the centre point of the beach and survive the game duration, the game ends in a draw. If three or more Japanese units cross the river or the centre point of the beach and survive the game duration, the game ends in a Japanese victory.If one or no Japanese units cross the river, the game ends in a USMC victory. (Note – Japanese units crossing to the USMC side of the river do not have to be fully intack to claim victory).
A player may start the game with any of his units dug in. Place a marker next to the unit to display its dug in status. More adventurous gamers may model soldiers in gun pits. If a unit executes a run, advance or charge order, the unit looses the dug in status for the remainder of the game. Dug in offers -1 cover, and protection from HE. The number of HE hits caused by artillery is halved rounding down. Both sides fight simultaneously in Close Quarters if the target unit is dug in.
Bolt Action,
warlord games
USMC Bazooka team
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Bolt Action USMC Bazooka team
The bazooka was a marvel of science and engineering—the world's first shoulder fired antitank rocket. Using a shaped charge rocket, it was a powerful weapon that enabled Marines and Soldiers to defeat enemy armor and field fortifications. Of vital importance was the bazooka's simplicity of operation and maintenance in the most rugged combat conditions.
The bazooka was well suited to the sort of war Marines fought in the Pacific. Versatile and easy to operate, it gave the infantry a powerful tool to destroy enemy fortifications and tanks. Considering how quickly it was developed and tested, the bazooka performed amazingly well in combat. It was an important weapon in the arsenal of the US Marines.
During World War II, almost 500,000 bazookas were produced to meet the demands of American and Allied forces. Although the 2.36 inch bazooka was a capable tank killer against Japanese armor, the same was not true in Europe. German tanks proved much harder to kill with bazookas.
However, in a game of Bolt Action Anything can happen. In order to be effective you should probably best move your bazooka within 9" of the target. It's range and the Shaped Charge penalty to hit will make your bazooka miss on longer ranges. Here you can see my Bazooka take out a German Panzer IV with Shurzen,...Bolt Action will happen!
The Bazooka was invented by Robert Goddard, the father of American rocketry and genius inventor. Dr. Goddard developed the basic idea for the infantry rocket launcher during the First World War. With the armistice in 1918, work on this weapon project was shelved, but not before Goddard demonstrated it at Aberdeen Proving Grounds two days before the end of the war.
In the interwar years, tank-killing capability for the infantryman came from large caliber antitank rifles. As tanks became more heavily armored, these rifles were less and less effective. With the coming of war in 1939, the US Army Ordnance Department began a top secret development program to give the infantryman a self-contained tank-killing weapon. The bazooka took advantage of the revolutionary principle, the shaped charge warhead focused the explosive energy to shoot a plasma jet through the armor plate of an enemy tank.
In June 1942, the US Army officially adopted the Launcher, Rocket, Antitank, M1. General Electric built the first 5,000 weapons in a crash program to equip Army troops for the North African campaign. When Soldiers first got their first look at the rocket launcher, they dubbed it "the bazooka" after a musical instrument developed by entertainer Bob Burns.
In the South Pacific, Marines encountered many problems with the new bazookas. The battery-operated firing circuit was delicate and the rocket motors often failed because of high temperatures and humidity. But the weapon showed promise as a bunker buster for the infantry Marine. Lessons learned both in the Pacific and in North Africa were used to develop and field an improved version—the M1A1 bazooka. New rockets were also fielded. These had improved motors that were less prone to failure due to environmental factors.
The first widespread use of the bazooka in combat was during the Marianas campaigns in the summer of 1944. They proved extremely effective against Japanese field fortifications and tanks. For example, early in the morning of 17 June 1944, the enemy launched a tank attack with infantry support against the 2nd Marine Division on Saipan. About thirty tanks crashed into the Sixth Marine Regiment's defensive positions.
Bazooka teams hunted Japanese tanks in this intense, close quarter fight. Pfc Lauren Kahn and his loader, Pfc Lewis Nalder, were infantry Marines in K 3/6. During the battle, Kahn knocked out two tanks at point blank range with his bazooka. When his rockets were expended, Kahn knocked out a moving tank by climbing onto it and throwing two hand grenades into the turret hatch. For his heroism, Pfc Kahn later received the Navy Cross. Pfc Nalder was decorated with the Silver Star for gallantry in action.
In October 1943, the Army Ordnance Department adopted a new model of the bazooka—the M9/M9A1. This weapon incorporated many improvements over earlier models. A trigger operated magneto replaced the battery ignition system and a safety switch made the new model much safer. The tube could be broken down for easier carrying, an important consideration for the infantry Marine. New, more reliable rockets were also introduced.
In a global war with competing demands and priorities, it was many months before the M9 bazookas reached the Fleet Marine Force. These weapons were used in combat in the final campaigns of the Pacific war on Iwo Jima and Okinawa. Once again, bazookas were frequently employed to knock out reinforced defensive positions.
The bazooka's main ammunition was a high explosive antitank round. The M6A3 HEAT rocket was standardized as the primary round in 1944. An earlier version—the M6A2 HEAT rocket—remained in service throughout the war. Late in the war, the M10 white phosphorous smoke rocket was fielded, but this round did not see widespread combat use.
Length: 61 inches Internal diameter: 2.36 inches (60mm) Range (point target): 25–300 yards Range (area target): 300–650 yards Armor penetration: 3 inches (80mm)
(Source: www.ww2gyrene.org) Cheers,
USMC Forward Air Observer
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Bolt Action USMC Forward Air Observer |
Here’s a picture of my USMC Forward Air Observer team. Below the picture you will find some tactics but also some historic information about the FAO as deployed in the pacific theatre.
The American Army special rules allow you to perform two airstrikes per FAO to emphasize the role of American air superiority in WW2. Therefor taking a FAO in an American army is a good tactic but also a big risk because instead of the risk of rolling a 1 is now doubled per game… The chances of friendly fire casualties are a risk I’m willing to take.
The American Army special rules allow you to perform two airstrikes per FAO to emphasize the role of American air superiority in WW2. Therefor taking a FAO in an American army is a good tactic but also a big risk because instead of the risk of rolling a 1 is now doubled per game… The chances of friendly fire casualties are a risk I’m willing to take.
Historic information
First of all the Bolt Action name FAO (Forward Air Observer) is not correct for the Pacific theatre. The correct name should be FAC (Forward Air Controller) or ALO (Air Liaison Officers). With that out of the way let’s have a look at their role and how they performed.
At the beginning of the pacific conflict the FAC’s would not direct airstrikes to their targets from the ground but from a training twoseater plane that was followed by the CAS (close Air Support) Pilots. The FAC would locate enemy positions and relay them to the CAS pilots.

Also the airplanes that were available were fitted for air to air combat instead of Close air support and the pilots were not trained for this role. Their planes could not carry bombs or rockets but had machine guns instead so they could only strafe the enemy positions. However they were very successful in strafing the Japanese on Guadalcanal when they tried to outflank the Marines from the sea. The pilots strafed the landing crafts and killed dozens of Japanese troops and the Marines defending the airfield could finish off the survivors.
The fighting on Guadalcanal saw the use of the P-400, F4F, and SBD. Although pressed into service at a critical stage in the war and forced into a mission for which they were not well suited, these aircraft performed admirably and had limited success. Close air support on Tarawa was provided by F6F Hellcats and TBF Avengers. These aircraft were limited in their CAS capability and were still not able to directly impact the battle below as desired by the ground commanders.
In later missions of the island hopping campaigns ALO’s (Air Liaison Officers) were attached to battalions or regiments once the marines had established a safe beachhead. The ALOs were naval pilots who, although well versed in naval air superiority doctrine, were not thoroughly trained in coordinating CAS for an assaulting infantry force. The ALOs would pass requests by radio to the Air Support Command Unit (ASCU) aboard the attack force flagship. The ASCU would then pass the CAS request to the aircraft in the air or to the aircraft carrier. The CAS pilots would be directed to a spot on the ground as referenced by a grid system that subdivided the island into number and letter coded boxes. The ground forces were issued brightly colored panel markers to identify friendly troop locations in an attempt to avoid fratricide by the CAS aircraft.
The ALOs with the ground units would communicate with the ASCU aboard the flagship using the Navy's portable TBY radios as they moved ashore. These radios were complex to operate and not waterproofed. This vulnerability would be crucial to the ALO's ability to call for CAS and fire support. However, the fragile TBY radios used by the ALOs had gotten wet during the assault and had to be disassembled and left to dry in the hot sun. There would be no calls for fire until they could be dried and reassembled.
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F4U Corsair |
The introduction of the F4U Corsair (particularly the F4U-4 version in early 1945) by the Marines was a large step in the right direction because of its ability to carry a larger payload over a longer distance at much higher airspeeds. With the F4U-4, the first 20-millimeter (mm) cannons were installed on a Marine fighter aircraft.
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Calling in air support |
The most conclusive developments at the end of the war in the Pacific, however, were the Air Liaison Party (ALP) and the Landing Force Air Support Control Unit (LAFASCU). These air-ground liaison organizations gave the infantry commanders the direct link they needed to integrate air support with their tactical plan. Their ability to call in airstrikes from the ground at the right time at the right place played a pivotal role in combat granting the troops on the ground vital air support.
BA Scenario: Iwo Jima Bunker assault
If you are looking to recreate the Battles of the pacific Warlord Games have created some additional scenarios for you to use. More of these will be released later this year in the "Empire in flames" supplement book. Below is a copy of warlord Games' Iwo Jima Bunker assault scenario. Because these scenarios can be hard to find I have posted them here for you.
For fighting during the Battle for Iwo Jima, we suggest the US forces, taken from the 1944-1945 Iwo Jima selector of the Armies of the US book, as the attacker, and the Japanese as the defending force, taken from the Iwo Jima 1945 selector of the Armies of Imperial Japan.
In addition, the following two Special Rules apply.
If the player does not have suitable models to represent the models rolled, he can pick any of the lower results that he has models for.
In addition to his force, however, the defender receives three bunkers and nine ‘hard cover’ linear obstacles.
Each linear obstacle must be up to 6″ long and 1″ tall, and should provide hard cover (so use low walls, earth embankments, sandbags and the like). You can replace any number of ‘hard cover’ linear obstacles with ‘soft cover’ ones (barbed wire, hedges, picket fences, etc.) and if you do so, you get two ‘soft cover’ obstacles for each ‘hard cover’ one you surrender. However, if you replace too many obstacles in this way, you can alter the game balance pretty badly, so try to stick to nine pieces of hard cover as much as you can.
Bunkers should be large enough to accommodate a single unit of infantry or artillery. The rules for bunkers are on page 104 of the Bolt Action rulebook.
Terrain: The defender sets up one of his bunkers and three linear obstacles in each of the areas highlighted in grey on the map – the first, second and third defence lines. The rest of the table should have very little terrain, maybe only the occasional tree or area of scrub, but as it represents a prepared defence – anything likely to provide cover to an attacker would have been removed to leave a good field of fire to the troops in the bunkers and behind the fortifications. The last strip of table between the third defense line and the Defender’s edge of the table can include more terrain, like a small wood, or even some buildings, but once again, do not overdo it.
It is important that the defender sets up the terrain cleverly, making sure that as much as possible the bunkers’ line of fire is as clear as possible and that the fortifications make life as difficult as possible for the advancing enemies. Keep in mind that the enemy is likely to take cover behind your defences as he captures them, and that firing over obstacles, unless your troops are leaning against them, will offer cover to the enemy infantry as well… so place your defences cunningly.
Deployment: The defender then divides the number of units in his army by 3. The result is the number of units he must deploy within each defence line. Of course, unless the total number of units in your army is a multiple of three, you’ll end up with one or two spare units – these can be placed in any defence line or left in Reserve (they can even outflank!). For example, if you have seven units, you must place two in each defence line and you end up with a spare one, which you can add to any defence line or leave in reserve.
Defending units can (and should!) use the hidden set-up rules (see Hidden Set-up on page 117 of the Bolt Action rulebook).
The attacker’s units are not set-up on the table at the start of the game. The attacker must nominate half of his force (rounding up) to form his first wave. Any units not included in the first wave are left in reserve. Units in reserve cannot outflank in this scenario, and similarly units with special deployment rules, like snipers, observers and spotters, cannot use their special rules.
All bunkers are held by the defender at the start of the game regardless of where his troops are positioned. If a bunker changes hands during the game then it remains under the control of that side until it is taken back.
To capture a bunker there must be no enemy in it and you must move one of your infantry units into it.
(Source: Warlord Games)
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Picture by Warlord Games |
In addition, the following two Special Rules apply.
Total Air and Sea supremacy
The US player receives one free regular Air Observer and one free regular Artillery Observer (both representing naval attaches) on top of their normal allowance.Tunnel Network
From turn 3 onwards, the Japanese player rolls a die at the beginning of every turn and looks up the result on the chart below, which potentially allows him to get some extra units. These units can Advance or Run onto the table from any point alongside either long edge of the table (‘on the flanks’ so to speak), like Reserves. Alternatively, these units can be deployed into one of the bunkers, as long as the bunker is not occupied by US troops – being deployed into one of the bunkers is the same as entering a building, except that it counts as receiving an Advance action. Note that no Order test is necessary for these new units to enter the battle, either on the flanks or into a bunker.If the player does not have suitable models to represent the models rolled, he can pick any of the lower results that he has models for.
Roll | Outcome |
1 | No new units arrive this turn |
2 | One suicide anti-tank team (Veteran!) |
3 | One half-strength IJA island warfare rifle squad (1 NCO and 3 men, all armed with rifles) |
4 | One sniper (Regular) |
5 | One MMG team (Regular) |
6 | One full-strength IJA island warfare rifle squad (1 NCO and 7 men, all options are available for free) |
Bunker Assault
Your forces must smash through the enemy defence lines and capture all three enemy strongpoints.Forces
This scenario pitches a superior attacking force against a defender that, though outnumbered, is dug in into a well-prepared defence line consisting of pillboxes/bunkers and other obstacles and fortifications. First agree with your opponent who is going to be the attacker and the defender. The attacker picks a force to an agreed points total (e.g. 1,200pts) and the defender picks a force that is half that total (e.g. 600pts).In addition to his force, however, the defender receives three bunkers and nine ‘hard cover’ linear obstacles.
Each linear obstacle must be up to 6″ long and 1″ tall, and should provide hard cover (so use low walls, earth embankments, sandbags and the like). You can replace any number of ‘hard cover’ linear obstacles with ‘soft cover’ ones (barbed wire, hedges, picket fences, etc.) and if you do so, you get two ‘soft cover’ obstacles for each ‘hard cover’ one you surrender. However, if you replace too many obstacles in this way, you can alter the game balance pretty badly, so try to stick to nine pieces of hard cover as much as you can.
Bunkers should be large enough to accommodate a single unit of infantry or artillery. The rules for bunkers are on page 104 of the Bolt Action rulebook.
The game is played along the length of the table.Terrain: The defender sets up one of his bunkers and three linear obstacles in each of the areas highlighted in grey on the map – the first, second and third defence lines. The rest of the table should have very little terrain, maybe only the occasional tree or area of scrub, but as it represents a prepared defence – anything likely to provide cover to an attacker would have been removed to leave a good field of fire to the troops in the bunkers and behind the fortifications. The last strip of table between the third defense line and the Defender’s edge of the table can include more terrain, like a small wood, or even some buildings, but once again, do not overdo it.
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Picture by Warlord Games |
It is important that the defender sets up the terrain cleverly, making sure that as much as possible the bunkers’ line of fire is as clear as possible and that the fortifications make life as difficult as possible for the advancing enemies. Keep in mind that the enemy is likely to take cover behind your defences as he captures them, and that firing over obstacles, unless your troops are leaning against them, will offer cover to the enemy infantry as well… so place your defences cunningly.
Deployment: The defender then divides the number of units in his army by 3. The result is the number of units he must deploy within each defence line. Of course, unless the total number of units in your army is a multiple of three, you’ll end up with one or two spare units – these can be placed in any defence line or left in Reserve (they can even outflank!). For example, if you have seven units, you must place two in each defence line and you end up with a spare one, which you can add to any defence line or leave in reserve.
Defending units can (and should!) use the hidden set-up rules (see Hidden Set-up on page 117 of the Bolt Action rulebook).
The attacker’s units are not set-up on the table at the start of the game. The attacker must nominate half of his force (rounding up) to form his first wave. Any units not included in the first wave are left in reserve. Units in reserve cannot outflank in this scenario, and similarly units with special deployment rules, like snipers, observers and spotters, cannot use their special rules.
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Picture by Warlord Games |
The attacker must try to capture the three bunkers – the defender must try to stop him. To capture a bunker, the attacker needs to clear it of all enemies and enter it at some point during the game with one of his infantry units. If the defender moves an infantry unit back in, then the attacker must capture it again.Preparatory Bombardment
The attacker rolls a die: on a 2+, a preparatory bombardment strikes the enemy positions (see Preparatory Bombardment page 118). On a result of 1, the barrage fails to appear, but you have your orders and the attack must go ahead as planned.First Turn
The battle begins. During turn 1, the attacker must move his first wave onto the table. These units can enter the table from any point on the attacker’s table edge, and must be given either a run or advance order. Note that no order test is required to move units onto the table as part of the first wave, and remember that they cannot assault on the turn they enter the table.Game Duration
Keep a count of how many turns have elapsed as the game is played. At the end of turn 10, roll a die. On a result of 1, 2 or 3 the game ends, on a roll of 4, 5 or 6 play one further turn.Victory!
At the end of the game, if the attacker has captured all three bunkers, he wins. If the attacker has captured two bunkers the game is a draw. If the attacker has captured one bunker (or none!) then the defender wins.All bunkers are held by the defender at the start of the game regardless of where his troops are positioned. If a bunker changes hands during the game then it remains under the control of that side until it is taken back.
To capture a bunker there must be no enemy in it and you must move one of your infantry units into it.
Larger or Smaller Games
You might of course play this type of game on smaller or larger tables, in which case you should reduce/increase the number of terrain pieces in proportion with the size of the table. On much larger tables, you may even want to increase the number of bunkers and/or defence lines, but remember to adjust the number of turns played as well, otherwise you risk running out of time before you can even reach your objectives!(Source: Warlord Games)
Bolt Action,
warlord games
USMC Infantry squad A
This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine...
The rifle squads are the backbone of any (Bolt Action) army. Here's a picture of my Rifle Sqd. A. Below you will find my tactics and the real WW2 squad formation.
In my Bolt Action USMC force I use at least three rifle squads and try to use them as a highly mobile unit. Because of the American special rule "Move and shoot" the rifles and BAR's do not suffer a -1 penalty on your "to hit"roll. This is very powerful. Always being able to move forward or to an objective and still shoot straight is great.
I make my rifle squads Veterans and use an NCO with SMG, 3 BAR's and four rifles. On top of that I give my BAR's a pistol each so they get 2 attacks in close combat. These 8 men squads are big enough to be a threat to most enemy units. The BAR's outrange most other army's rifles, with 6 shots at 30"they can deal out pins to units further away. Within 24"you get 10 shots and within 12"you get 12 shots. I give the NCO's an SMG because that's what the models have and I think that they should have that weapon,look good on the table and you're able to tell who's the NCO more easily.. In close combat you will get 12 attacks as well.
You could also use rifle squads of 7 and drop one rifle from the unit to get a simular output and you still only have to test for morale if you lose 4 or more men just like 8 men squads. (50% of 8=4 / 50% of 7 is still 4 rounded up).
It's just my personal preference to use 8 men but if I'm tight for points I might drop 1 men from each of my rifle squads to free up more points.
Now Bolt Action is a game and nothing like the real deal in WWII. Below you will find the formation of the USMC rifle squads as they were used after the initial battles in the Pacific. At first they used smaller rifle squads and fire teams but soon found out they needed more firepower against the Japanese that would just try to storm their positions.
1x Platoon Commander (1Lt/2Lt)
1x Platoon Sergeant (Platoon Sergeant)
1x Guide (Sergeant)
1x Demolition Corporal (Corporal)
3x Messengers (Pfc/Pvt)
Three Rifle Squads each with:
1x Squad Leader (Sergeant)
1x Assistant Squad Leader (Corporal)
2x Automatic Riflemen (Pfc/Pvt)
2x Assistant Automatic Riflemen (Pfc/Pvt)
1x Grenadier (Pfc/Pvt)
5x Riflemen (Pfc/Pvt)
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USMC Infantry squad A |
The rifle squads are the backbone of any (Bolt Action) army. Here's a picture of my Rifle Sqd. A. Below you will find my tactics and the real WW2 squad formation.
In my Bolt Action USMC force I use at least three rifle squads and try to use them as a highly mobile unit. Because of the American special rule "Move and shoot" the rifles and BAR's do not suffer a -1 penalty on your "to hit"roll. This is very powerful. Always being able to move forward or to an objective and still shoot straight is great.
I make my rifle squads Veterans and use an NCO with SMG, 3 BAR's and four rifles. On top of that I give my BAR's a pistol each so they get 2 attacks in close combat. These 8 men squads are big enough to be a threat to most enemy units. The BAR's outrange most other army's rifles, with 6 shots at 30"they can deal out pins to units further away. Within 24"you get 10 shots and within 12"you get 12 shots. I give the NCO's an SMG because that's what the models have and I think that they should have that weapon,look good on the table and you're able to tell who's the NCO more easily.. In close combat you will get 12 attacks as well.
You could also use rifle squads of 7 and drop one rifle from the unit to get a simular output and you still only have to test for morale if you lose 4 or more men just like 8 men squads. (50% of 8=4 / 50% of 7 is still 4 rounded up).
It's just my personal preference to use 8 men but if I'm tight for points I might drop 1 men from each of my rifle squads to free up more points.
Now Bolt Action is a game and nothing like the real deal in WWII. Below you will find the formation of the USMC rifle squads as they were used after the initial battles in the Pacific. At first they used smaller rifle squads and fire teams but soon found out they needed more firepower against the Japanese that would just try to storm their positions.
1x Platoon Commander (1Lt/2Lt)
1x Platoon Sergeant (Platoon Sergeant)
1x Guide (Sergeant)
1x Demolition Corporal (Corporal)
3x Messengers (Pfc/Pvt)
Three Rifle Squads each with:
1x Squad Leader (Sergeant)
1x Assistant Squad Leader (Corporal)
2x Automatic Riflemen (Pfc/Pvt)
2x Assistant Automatic Riflemen (Pfc/Pvt)
1x Grenadier (Pfc/Pvt)
5x Riflemen (Pfc/Pvt)
USMC 2nd Lieutenant and Medic
This is my 2nd Lieutenant and his runner. Also in this picture a medic carrying a stretcher.
Second Lieutenant is the entry-level commissioned officer rank in the United States Marine Corps. A Second Lieutenant generally commands a platoon consisting of 16 to 44 Marines, including two or more squads lead by a senior non-commissioned officer (NCO’s).
The Marines have a saying, Every Marine is a Rifleman, and that extends to Navy Corpsmen serving in Marine units , corpsmen have to learn to carry a rifle and how to use it as well. Marines need qualified medical personnel on the battlefield and that’s why the Field Medical Service School exists. For a Corpsman to be effective he has to earn the right to be regarded as a fellow Marine, and that can be an eye opening experience to many Navy Corpsmen unfamiliar with Marine Corps ways. For a Corpsman to be effective in a Marine Corps unit he has to be someone that the other Marines know and trust. He has to be able to lay down cover fire, dig a hole, or do whatever other Marines in his unit are doing toward accomplishing the mission.
The top priority for a FMSS corpsman is to learn to save Marine Corps lives, but they have to be accepted by the unit in which they work. They learn to look like Marines, act like and function just as other Marine Corps personnel function, despite in reality being Navy Corpsmen assigned to a Marine Corps Unit. Much of this need to be a Marine is not understood by those who have not experienced it, but it is vital to the success and cohesiveness of the unit.
(Source: www.USMilitary.com)
Click on picture to enlarge
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USMC 2nd Lt and Medic |
I usually run the leader of my army as a 2nd LT in games up to 1000 points. The 2nd Lt is a mandatory unit in a single reinforced platoon and gives a +1 bonus to all units within 6” on their morale tests. In larger games when you have more points to spare it can be useful to make him a 1st Lt. so that he gives a +2 bonus instead.
The Medic is a cheap unit that can heal wounded soldiers within 6”. To do this you have to roll a result of a 6 on a D6 so there’s only a 1 in 6 chance of your medic actually saving a soldier. Not great odds but since the medic is so cheap to take I do this because you get a cheap Order Dice that can help swing the odds in your favor. After all you want as many Order Dice in the bag as you can get.
Because the Lieutenant and the Medic both only work if they are within 6” of a unit they usually run side by side behind my forward moving Rifle Squads boosting their morale and trying to save lives.
USMC 2nd Lieutenant Role
USMC Corpsmen (Medic) Role
USMC First Tournament
Tabletop Kingdom in The Hague (The Netherlands) organised a tournament today to Commemorate D-Day. The turn out was a bit on the low side with only 10 players but still it was a great day of gaming and meeting other Bolt Action Hobbyist.
The tournament organisor had made three missions for us to play and I was very excited to see how my brand new army performed on the battlefield.
The list I had made for this event looked like this:
Vet. 2nd Lt. + 1 Vet. Infantry
Reg. Medic
Reg. Forward Air Observer + 1 reg. Infantry
Vet USMC Squad
1 NCO with SMG
4 Infantry with rifles
3 infantry with BAR + Pistols
Vet USMC Squad
1 NCO with SMG
4 Infantry with rifles
3 infantry with BAR + Pistols
Vet USMC Engineer Squad
1 NCO with rifle
4 Infantry with rifles
2 Infantry with BAR
1 Infantry with flamethrower
Inexp. Medium Mortar team
1 Spotter
Vet. Sniper team
Vet. Bazooka team
Vet. M4 Sherman 105mm howitzer
Turret-mounted medium howitzer (2d6 HE)
Pintle mounted HMG
Reg. Jeep
Total 999 Points and 11 Order Dice
The first round I faced a German Army in a maximum attrition game. In short my FAO managed to pin my opponents Pnzr4 useless, my mortar kept hitting and taking out squads and my rifle en engineer squads managed to succesfully assault the opponents units granting me the victory (13-7).
The second round we had to take and hold three objectives in the middle of the board and I faced a Russian veteran army with an IS2 tank. My sherman was knocked out very early and I managed to call in two airstrikes on my own units. My opponent had no trouble taking all three objectives in the end so I lost (0-20)
The third and final game versus another german Army, I had to move my 2nd LT who was carrying the flag into my opponents deployment zone and kill his or prevent it from getting to my deployment zone. I killed his early and this time my airstrikes were succesfull and my units killed of his units in one big sweeping move (fire and manouvre is great). Even my Bazooka managed to destroy a PnzrIV. It ended up a massive victory for me (20-0) but I felt kind of sorry for my opponent who kept on failing nearly all his rolls.
I ended up with a third place result and Best Painted Army Award. With the giftvoucher I received I bought a USMC M3A1 37mm anti-tank gun and some other small stuff.
Tired but satisfied I went home after a great day of gaming. The painting award is something I really appreciate. Shows that all the hard work was well worth it.
The tournament organisor had made three missions for us to play and I was very excited to see how my brand new army performed on the battlefield.
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USMC Bazooka takes out a Panzer IV |
Vet. 2nd Lt. + 1 Vet. Infantry
Reg. Medic
Reg. Forward Air Observer + 1 reg. Infantry
Vet USMC Squad
1 NCO with SMG
4 Infantry with rifles
3 infantry with BAR + Pistols
Vet USMC Squad
1 NCO with SMG
4 Infantry with rifles
3 infantry with BAR + Pistols
Vet USMC Engineer Squad
1 NCO with rifle
4 Infantry with rifles
2 Infantry with BAR
1 Infantry with flamethrower
Inexp. Medium Mortar team
1 Spotter
Vet. Sniper team
Vet. Bazooka team
Vet. M4 Sherman 105mm howitzer
Turret-mounted medium howitzer (2d6 HE)
Pintle mounted HMG
Reg. Jeep
Total 999 Points and 11 Order Dice
The first round I faced a German Army in a maximum attrition game. In short my FAO managed to pin my opponents Pnzr4 useless, my mortar kept hitting and taking out squads and my rifle en engineer squads managed to succesfully assault the opponents units granting me the victory (13-7).
The second round we had to take and hold three objectives in the middle of the board and I faced a Russian veteran army with an IS2 tank. My sherman was knocked out very early and I managed to call in two airstrikes on my own units. My opponent had no trouble taking all three objectives in the end so I lost (0-20)
The third and final game versus another german Army, I had to move my 2nd LT who was carrying the flag into my opponents deployment zone and kill his or prevent it from getting to my deployment zone. I killed his early and this time my airstrikes were succesfull and my units killed of his units in one big sweeping move (fire and manouvre is great). Even my Bazooka managed to destroy a PnzrIV. It ended up a massive victory for me (20-0) but I felt kind of sorry for my opponent who kept on failing nearly all his rolls.

Tired but satisfied I went home after a great day of gaming. The painting award is something I really appreciate. Shows that all the hard work was well worth it.
Pacific Sherman Finished
As promised in my last post here are some pics of the finished Sherman. I added some streaking, oils and then rust, dust and mud using Vallejo Pigments.
I'm really happy how it turned out. My USMC infantry units now have a nice little tank to support their advance! Semper Fi!
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Bolt Action USMC Sherman |
I'm really happy how it turned out. My USMC infantry units now have a nice little tank to support their advance! Semper Fi!
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Pacific Sherman |
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USMC Sherman in the Pacific Theatre |
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